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College of Court Reporting Graduate Preserves Veterans' History

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Hobart, IN---The College of Court Reporting (CCR) recently participated in National Court Reporting and Captioning Week, a grassroots effort to raise awareness about the professions of court reporting and broadcast captioning. One way that professionals were able to show how invaluable court reporting is to our country was to contribute their skills to the Veteran’s History Project. Reporters all across the country have banded together for over 12 years to produce transcripts of the oral histories of our veterans. Deborah Cohen-Rojas, a CCR graduate, was one of those reporters who volunteered her abilities.

In a recent news broadcast on WGN Chicago, Deb can be seen writing on her steno machine to the sound of a former soldier’s legacy. She then produced a transcript that was uploaded to the Veteran’s History Project website. This flawless record of personal histories might have otherwise been lost. There are now over 85,000 oral histories preserved by the Library of Congress, courtesy of court reporters much like Deb.

Deb, now an official court reporter for the 19th Judicial Circuit Court in Lake County, Illinois, graduated from the court reporting program at CCR in 2007. She attended CCR as an online student and began working shortly after passing her professional certification requirements.

“The classes at CCR prepared me better than anything else could have to become a working reporter. CCR’s program teaches students cutting edge technology. I graduated realtime ready, and that has cut the learning curve immeasurably and made for a much smoother transition from student to working reporter.”

CCR congratulates Deb on all of her accomplishments and for her service to her community. Her volunteer efforts are a testament to the opportunities that await court reporting students upon graduation. National Court Reporting and Captioning Week gave Deb and many other professional reporters the spotlight that they deserve.

The College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association. In 2010 and 2012, CCR was one of four schools chosen in each of those years and the only school chosen in both years to receive grants from the U.S. Department of Education's Training for Realtime Writers (TRTW) program. The Department awarded CCR over $540,000 to recruit and train court reporters and realtime writers. As leaders in the field of preparing students as court reporters, stenographers, broadcast captioners, and communication access realtime translation (CART) reporters, CCR has additionally made a substantial investment of capital and time to perfect the delivery and instructional design of court reporting education. This blended learning environment was created to bring students and their teachers together as never before. For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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