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College of Court Reporting Appoints Marketing and Technology Officer

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Hobart, IN---College of Court Reporting is pleased to announce the appointment of Dylan Bush, Marketing and Technology Officer.

“This position is a continuation of our philosophy to meet the day-to-day needs of our students relating to the ever changing technology in education,” says Jeff Moody, President of College of Court Reporting. We believe hiring Mr. Bush into this critical position will assist CCR in continuing to improve our current education programs as well as its soon-to-be announced educational model. This new approach will forever change how court reporting education will be delivered.”

Mr. Bush’s responsibilities in this newly created position will include:

  • Managing online student coursesite accounts;
  • Updating and refining Web content;
  • Collecting marketing data and developing new ways to reach prospective students via the Web;
  • Providing information and technology troubleshooting assistance to enrolled students and instructors;
  • Performing steno machine and software setup for new and transfer students;
  • Contributing to the development and integration of technology and educational delivery.

“We’re thrilled that Dylan accepted the position,” says Jay Vettickal, Executive Director, College of Court Reporting. “He brings with him a familiarity of our programs and culture that will prove to be a tremendous asset to our team approach to working with students.”

Mr. Bush obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in both Psychology and Educational Studies from Manchester University in 2012. He is now completing a graduate degree at Valparaiso University. His coursework has reflected a dedication to the enrichment of educational services for both young and adult learners, and his varied leadership experiences in athletics and volunteer efforts prove that Mr. Bush will be a valuable asset to the College of Court Reporting team and the Hobart community.

The College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association. In 2010 and 2012, CCR was one of four schools chosen in each of those years and the only school chosen in both years to receive grants from the U.S. Department of Education's Training for Realtime Writers (TRTW) program. The Department awarded CCR over $540,000 to recruit and train court reporters and realtime writers. As leaders in the field of preparing students as court reporters, stenographers, broadcast captioners, and communication access realtime translation (CART) reporters, CCR has additionally made a substantial investment of capital and time to perfect the delivery and instructional design of court reporting education. This blended learning environment was created to bring students and their teachers together as never before. For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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