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CCR Students Earn ILCRA Scholarship

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Hobart, IN--- Each year the Illinois Court Reporters Association holds a scholarship essay contest. The author of the first place essay receives a $1,000 scholarship, and the authors of the second and third place essays receive $500 and $300 scholarships. To apply, students are required to submit a one-page essay on “Court Reporting School: My Own Survival Guide.” The College of Court Reporting is pleased to announce that the 2012 first and second place award recipients are College of Court Reporting students Shannon Barnes and Susan Kemph.

Ms. Barnes enrolled with the College of Court Reporting in our Summer 2010 semester after completing an Associate’s degree in Business. She learned the Moody Method steno theory as a new student and was writing at 120 words per minute within the first year of her court reporting education. Ms. Barnes is a perennial honor student and has been nominated on several occasions for the Student of the Month distinction. Her instructors never run out of positive things to say about her work ethic and drive to become a court reporter. The first place award certainly found an appropriate recipient in Ms. Barnes as she is most deserving.

Ms. Kemph has been an exemplar student at CCR as well. She has overcome many obstacles throughout her education. Her commitment and focus to becoming a court reporter is evident. In her essay Ms. Kemph pays tribute to the instructors, students, faculty members, and mentors who have helped her throughout her journey by stating that “it takes a village to raise a court reporter.” This positive attitude towards collaboration and persistence makes Ms. Kemph an excellent candidate for scholarship opportunities and will certainly contribute to her reputation in the work environment.

College of Court Reporting would like to take this opportunity to not only congratulate these two students for their accomplishments but to also thank the Illinois Court Reporters Association for giving students the opportunity to participate in the essay contest.

The College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association. Executive Director, Jay Vettickal, recently announced that CCR has been awarded the U.S. Department of Education 2012 Training for Realtime Writers grant. This $300,000 grant will be used for scholarships for enrolled students and to assist graduates in purchasing professional equipment and software and improve their realtime skills. The College is now on track to produce more graduates than any other court reporting school in the country. For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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